Les avantages de Decofleur
  • Uniquement pour les entreprises
  • Large gamme et rabais progressif
  • Disponible directement sur stock
  • Stock propre et production
  • Votre chariot est vide
Changer le panier Panier
Mur de fleurs dégradé de couleur

A backdrop is a popular item during weddings. Backdrops are often placed behind the bridal couple during the ceremony, or used as a background in the photo booth and are particulair popular during (color) themed weddings. Our flower panels are very suitable for making backdrops. Thanks to our extensive range of artificial flower heads, you can design your own backdrop from scratch.

Our step by step guide for an ombre flower wall
A color gradient flower wall requires a little more preparation in contrast to a mixed flower wall, because you have to think in advance which colors you want to use. In the flower wall in the photo we used 12 different types of flower heads to make a gradient from dark pink to cream/salmon. At home you sort the flowers into three groups: the dark colours, medium colours and the light colours. You work from top to bottom (or bottom to top, whichever you prefer) and you start with the dark colors. You pin the 2-3 different dark colors in the top quarter of the panel. Fill the remaining space with a lighter shade. Then fill in the next quarter with some of the dark flowers and a larger portion of the middle color. You use this same mix amount for the quarter below: a small part of the light color and a larger part of the middle color. Finally, fill in the bottom half with the lightest shade.


Shopping list for this backdrop
We do not always have all the flowers in this flower panel in stock as standard. If you are interested, you can send us an email: we can then see what the possibilities are in the short term. You can also use the shopping list below as inspiration. This way you know what the "mixing ratios" of the different flowers should be to get the same effect.

4x Flower panels

Darkest shades
Peony D18cm Old Pink
Peony D13cm Pink
24x Rose D11cm Pink
12x Rose D9cm Dark Pink
Central shades
Peony D16cm Pink
Peony D13cm Salmon Pink
12x Rose D11cm Orange
24x Rose D9cm Light Pink

24x Rose D9cm Peach orange
Lighter shades
12x Peony D13cm Cream Pink

36x Rose D11cm Peach
24x Rose D9cm Peach

Mur de fleurs
Inspiration de Linda

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