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Questions & Answers

  • Howmany kilos moss do you need for 1 square meter?

    Cushion moss, Sheet moss and Reindeer moss is very suitable to use for moss walls. For each different type of moss a different amount applies:

    How many moss per square meter
    Reindeer moss:   8 à 9 kilos per m2
    Cushion moss:    5 crates per m2
    Sheet moss:        2 kilos per m2

  • Is the moss alive?

    The moss has dried completely and is therefore no longer alive. After the drying process, the moss is completely immersed in a special solution with (green) dye. This mixture ensures that the moss regains its flexibility, so it feels "fresh".

  • Do you need to maintain the moss?
    The treated moss is odorless and maintenance free.
  • What kind of glue do I need to use?
    You can use hobby or carpet glue as glue.
  • What kind of frame board do I need?
    You can glue the moss on any surface on which wood glue and carpet glue adhere.