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Pampas Blumenwolke

One of the most popular decoration arrangements on Social Media, is without a doubt the “Flower Cloud”. A floating object that consists entirely of (dried) flowers. By using fragile-looking flowers and grasses, the arrangement looks a bit like a cloud. By making the arrangement on a frame, the arrangement can be suspended in the air.

The flower cloud in our example is made with dried grasses: various types of pampas grasses, arundo grasses and miscanthus. The grasses have been supplemented with some natural-looking materials such as lunaria and bleached ruscus. The cloud looks like a dreamy whole that looks beautiful in a high open space, above a dining table or in a shop window. This flower cloud is made with chicken wire. You make a small frame of the chicken wire, and stick the stems of dried flowers through the holes. Chicken wire is perfect for this, as it is sturdy and also lightweight.

The various flower clouds below are made by designer Dennis Kneepkens.

Inspiration von Linda

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